The Atlas of Magical Thinking is a series of drawings I began in 2017 as an attempt to channel my post Trump election anxiety into a positive place. The drawings are not political and do not attempt to offer solutions for our country’s current predicament of extreme bipartisanship, distrust and acrimony. Rather the series seeks refuge from the day to day grind, focusing on patterns intended to lead the mind from the day to day of the world towards its underlying reality and suggest an alternate path beyond the stress of mundane observation and reaction to it.
The series evolved from solving maze puzzles to quiet my mind. By coloring in the mazes’ dead ends a way through is revealed, an apt metaphor for illuminating a path forward in life at a stressful time. This activity morphed into more complex and original works that explore a set of geometric and color rules that govern their patterns allowing for a similar meditative process in creation. I return to motifs familiar in my work drawn from the natural world and intermingle them with geometrics to underscore the structure that exists behind what appears to be chaos. The process of making the drawings as well as the product are intended to provide space to contemplate our place in the universe and put the reality of the day to day news cycle and worries of life into perspective. The works are a meditation on color, repetition,and design. They each possess rules of engagement in how the patterns are developed but leave space for discovery and surprise at what develops.

The Atlas of Magical Thinking is a series of drawings I began in 2017 as an attempt to channel my post Trump election anxiety into a positive place. The drawings are not political and do not attempt to offer solutions for our country’s current predicament of extreme bipartisanship, distrust and acrimony. Rather the series seeks refuge from the day to day grind, focusing on patterns intended to lead the mind from the day to day of the world towards its underlying reality and suggest an alternate path beyond the stress of mundane observation and reaction to it.
The series evolved from solving maze puzzles to quiet my mind. By coloring in the mazes’ dead ends a way through is revealed, an apt metaphor for illuminating a path forward in life at a stressful time. This activity morphed into more complex and original works that explore a set of geometric and color rules that govern their patterns allowing for a similar meditative process in creation. I return to motifs familiar in my work drawn from the natural world and intermingle them with geometrics to underscore the structure that exists behind what appears to be chaos. The process of making the drawings as well as the product are intended to provide space to contemplate our place in the universe and put the reality of the day to day news cycle and worries of life into perspective. The works are a meditation on color, repetition,and design. They each possess rules of engagement in how the patterns are developed but leave space for discovery and surprise at what develops.